Hot Stone Massage Therapy


Maria Monai-Brophy, R.M.T.

Jessica Smith, R.M.T.


Hot Stone Massage Therapy combines regular massage treatment with the application of hot or cold stones. The stones used in this type of treatment are black basalt stones which are naturally forming igneous rocks. They have a smooth texture and unique properties, one of them being able to retain heat. In treatments, the stones are kept warm in a tray and when needed are either massaged over the body and/or placed in specific areas of the body. This type of heat application penetrates deep into the muscle tissue which makes it excellent at causing vasodilation in blood vessels and increasing circulation to tissues in the body. It is also effective in relaxing muscle tissue and giving a sedative effect on the body. This treatment tool can be used for full body massages or for specific areas of focus.

Conditions Treated by Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Decreased circulation
Muscle tension pain
Decreased range of motion
Repetitive stress injuries
Pregnancy pain
TMJ dysfunction

Postural dysfunction
Myofascial pain
Rotator Cuff Syndrome
Frozen Shoulder

Sports injuries
Sleep issues
Pain and Anxiety with chronic illnesses
Headaches and Migraines